what's all inside my brain,,,

sometimes ppl judge me without knowing who i really am..
some knows me better than myself does, n some of them try to provoke me when im down..
there r things that i always thought of, did i do things right?? or did they do things wrong..
its all like puzzles that are very hard to get done with..
once, u thought that u find the right piece, but one minute u think "its not the right one" and u started to get confused and tired..

2 people trying to undrstand each other, but there are always misunderstandings and egoism that appear.. but i believe all of them happened for a reason, cos life is all bout xperiences and time.. im happy for all the supports from my loved ones..
THaNK yOu,, xoxo

sushii daYyy

those memorable daysSss (,^^)

swarovski cover for mi fone

These r so pretti but its expensive >,<

Fete Shift Dress

Angela Dress - French Connection

Vero Moda Blue Dress

Annie Greenabelle

Rachel Gilbert Bow wool mini dress

Another day has passed...

another day has passed today.. the time has gone while she was drawing and thinking of everything that hav been passed for the past few years..
she started to try thinking positive in all of her life aspects.. there r certainly rocks and nails that block the way or may just scare her to continue the path. but she thinks everything happens for a reason.. so she just listened to musics that support her feelings =)
weehee 2moro gona meet with sumone she loves, hopefully it will be a fun day =p

A Truly Beautiful Woman

A truly beautiful woman never needs to show skin to be attractive.
Never resorts to drama for attention,
Never compromises her principles,
Respects herself enough to wait till she’s married,
Knows her worth,

Cannot be bought by material things,
Believes motherhood and being a good wife is hard but awesome!
Takes care of herself but isn’t vain
She knows what matters most, to her and in life

A beautiful woman knows her beauty is from within,
From her soul, her faith, her God,
She’s not perfect but she strives.
Speaks her mind but listens first
Knows when to shut up
Submits but doesn’t take abuse

A beautiful woman is every good friend, sister, cousin, aunt, mother, wife, sister-in law, mother-in law, step mother, step sister, neighbor who brightens up your day when it’s gray,
Encourages you when times are rough,
Holds your hand, pats your shoulder and gives you warm embraces,
Straightens you up when you’re starting to bend the wrong way

A beautiful woman loves and reveres the Lord
And whatever the weather, she always finds a reason to smile and to thank God for,
And the world needs beautiful women.

Sick Day

its still holiday time yet im still having a bad sore throat n feelin dizzy..
n til this time, i havent got my exam results yet... n no new timetble yet.. so all i do is just sit n play inet


selfish people

huh... bt bgt harii ini.. ada orang yg sok kepopuleran sampe2 terang2an "chuck off" my nice advice.. y klo ga mau dgrin ato ga setuju, ga usa pake di jadiin ky sampah kali ya,, apa dia ga punya hati n ga mikir kalo dia sndiri yg ada dposisi gw n digituin bakal gmn perasaan nya.. GRRRRrrrr

kedua, ada orang yg seenak jidatnya pilih sesuatu pdhl bnyk org yg disekitarnya keinfluence sm decisions mereka.. klo gw yg buat decision,mreka ngoceh.. tp klo mereka boleh.. gw ga ngerti knp mereka slalu "do first then think".. mereka ga mau diinjek2,tp nginjek2 orang gpp.. mudah2an karma dateng kmreka.. bukan mau jahat tp klo mereka gt terus, yg rugi ya gw (T.T)